Call: EMNLP 2021 Live Tweeting

Live tweeting EMNLP 2021 // Author Option to Opt-Out

We are seeking EMNLP 2021 participants to live tweet presentations with the goal of raising the visibility of EMNLP 2021 talks across languages. Specifically, we envision live microblogging of both pre-recorded presentations (between when they become available and the end of the conference) and live sessions (from participants who are attending the conference onsite).

Recognizing that bilingual live microblogging (listening in one language, writing in another) is a more difficult task, we nonetheless hope that the pre-recorded format might make it possible.

By coordinating community live tweeting, we hope to increase coverage of EMNLP 2021 talks. In particular, we aim at highlighting the works coming from under-represented countries so as to broaden participation in EMNLP and our associated community. Your posts will be shared/retweeted by the official conference account on Twitter and you will gain visibility in the NLP community.

If you are interested in participating, please fill in the following online form by November 4th, 2021.

The form asks you:

  • Your name, surname, email address and country
  • The language(s) you would like to live tweet in
  • Your Twitter handle
  • EMNLP 2021 areas (two or more) you are interested in covering

The following guide on live tweeting by Rachael Tatman could be a useful reference.

Author Option to Opt-Out

If for any reason, an EMNLP 2021 author would prefer NOT to have their presentation live tweeted, we ask you to fill in the following online form by November 2nd, 2021: